Home automation and smart living are such a main part of modern day living, this month we thought we would share with you 5 considerations to take into account to automate your home.

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Automate Your Home: 5 Considerations

  1. Early Consultation

In a renovation, or indeed a new build, so often the audio visual (AV) and home technology requirements are forgotten, and then become an afterthought to the fit out.

However, if you consult our home automation team at an early planning stage – alongside the architects and building contractors, it becomes easy to implement your ideal system with little compromise to the fit out. It all should seamlessly blend together to create a smart automated home.

This leads on to our next point…

2. Team Coordination

During the building or renovation process, the AV installer must be involved and coordinating with the builder, architect and interior designer. Our mantra here at Element 29 is that technology is here to enhance our lives, not hinder, and being involved from day one in house design makes sure that this happens.

We’ll coordinate with you and the rest of the design and build team to make sure every detail in terms of the technology installation is considered.

3. Cable Infrastructure

You’ve decided to automate your home, but we all know technology moves apace, and finding a few years down the line, the cabling needs to be redone is less than ideal. Therefore, in the planning stages, make sure the cabling is sufficient to support solutions to begin with, but also potential headroom to be able to support future solutions as time goes by.

4. Planning The AV For Each room

The key when it comes to automating your home is that each room is designed independently to another in regards to technology. The technology should be designed around a space, rather then shoe horning the technology into a space. Again, going back to the first two points, working alongside interior designers and architects at an early stage is essential to achieve a smart home. 

5. Maintainable System

This sounds an obvious thing, but making sure your system is easy to maintain and update is essential. Equipment should be easily accessible for servicing and maintenance. It should also be installed into a favourable environment i.e cool and well ventilated away from water!

Chat To Our Home Automation Experts

Here at Element 29, contact with our clients doesn’t end once the system is installed. Our home automation London team provide on going support to keep your home automation running smoothly years beyond the completion of your project.

If you’d like to speak to a member of our team, either give us call on 020 7720 7877 or fill in the contact form at the bottom of this page.

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