The way in which we light our homes has evolved many times since the Edison light bulb patent in 1879, but now we’re not only changing how lights work, but also how they’re controlled. Tucked up in bed and forgot to turn the landing light off? Settled in for a movie on the sofa and left the blinds open? With the Lutron RA2 Select system, you can keep your comfort, simply pull out your phone, and take full control of your home wherever you are!

Lutron RA2 Select – Comfort and convenience

Lighting is about so much more than seeing in the dark. It creates atmospheres that fuel good times with your closest friends, comforts you on rainy days, and is as important in design as the art on your walls — setting the mood is everything.

The popcorn is ready, the blanket is pulled over, and the movie is just about to start — and then it hits you, the lights in the kitchen are still shining, the bedroom heater needs warming, and the shades need closing. Transform your home with a full-control system like Lutron RA2 Select, and you won’t have to leave the comfort of your sofa or your cosy home-cinema experience again.

With a simple to use Lutron app, you can set the perfect atmosphere for any occasion. Looking to relax and unwind? Using preset programmes tailored to you, you can dim the lights throughout your home, lower the blinds, and turn up the heating with a single touch on your phone, all without missing the opening credits. Time to hoover? Have all your lights switch to maximum brightness, so you won’t miss a thing. And after a long day in the office on cold winter nights, have your lights ready to guide your path to the door, and your heating welcoming you when you step inside.

Modern Home with lights automated using Lutron RA2 Select - Rako Lighting Wired Vs Wireless
Swimming pool area with lights automated

Peace of mind

Lights also play their part in security — keeping your home safe when you’re not there. Heading away for a holiday in the sun this winter? Close your curtains and control the lights each night, automatically with smart timers or manually with internet connectivity, so others think you’re home. Or, if you’re tucked up in bed and hear a noise in the night, tap the ‘alert’ button and instantly raise the lights in your hallways and living spaces.

Comfort, convenience, security — discover the power of wireless lighting control with a smart-home system tailored to any budget and size with Lutron RA2 Select. And with our design, supply and installation skills, we’ll provide you with top-quality technology that works for you, taking your smart-home experience to the next level.

If you’d like to discuss your wireless lighting system, our Lutron installation team would love to help. Get in touch with us today.

For more information call 0207 720 7877 or
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